Clonely is a relatively small townland of 188-acres. It is situated along the northern edge of the parish border with the civil parish of Upperchurch. A third class road dissects the townland from north to south and connects Tipperary town to the regional road between Thurles and Limerick City.
In 1857, the townland was described as consisting of three lots with five rated and occupied houses. A rated house being one which was valued, for tax purposes, at five pounds or more. The immediate lessors were Lord George Quinn and Nason Crone. The entire townland, including buildings, was valued, for tax purposes, at 115£13s0d (£=pounds, s=shillings, d=pence). By 1890, the last valuation before Patrick's death, one house had been replaced and three new ones added. This increased the valuation by 1£15s.
In 1744, the Clonely townland was known as Cloonyross Donaldson. By 1857, the name had been changed to Clonely. Have not found the origin of the name Clonely. The closest name found was Cloonelly,
Cluain-eallaigh in Irish, which means "meadow of cattle."[FN:The Origin and History of Irish Names of Places (3 volumes) by P. W. Joyce, LL.D., Clearfield
Company, Inc 1995 (reprint):FN] The parish names Clonoulty and Clogher mean "Pasture of the Ulstermen" and "Stony Place" respectively.[FN:
Irish Place Names by Deirdre Flanagan &
Laurence Flanagan, Gill & MacMillan, 1994:FN]