extract from agricultural schedule of 1880 census of Grant tp, Sioux Co, IA [ed.192/pg.14/ln.07]:
Thomas Ryan, owned, 50-acres improved, 2-acres woods, 30-acres unimproved,
value_land/bldgs: $1,000, value_implem'ts/machinery: $300, value_livestock: $300,
animals a/o 01 Jun 1880: horses-2, cows-2, swine-8, poultry-25,
wages_pd (1879): $20,
value_of_production (1879): $700 (sold, consumed or on-hand),
calves_dropped (1879): 3,
butter_made (1879): 200- lbs,
eggs_laid (1879): 100-doz,
grass_mown (1879): 15-acres, hay_harvested: 35-tons,
corn (1879): 16 acres, crop: 1,000-bush,
oats (1879): 9 acres, crop: 300-bush,
wheat (1879): 30 acres, crop: 130-bush,
flax (1879): 8 acres, crop (seed): 102-bush,
potatoes (1879): 1/2 acre, crop: 102- bush.
[NOTE: total acres planted = 78 1/2 <<-- nbrs don't add up! (unless unimproved acres were planted or some acreage planted twice?)]